![]() Richard WindischRich is a second-year grad student studying Geographic Information Science and Technology at the USC Spatial Sciences Institute. He graduated in 2018 from USC with a B.S. in GeoDesign. Currently employed by the LA Sanitation Solid Resources Data Team, Rich is interested in utilizing GIS and open data to implement solutions for civic or human rights issues to improve quality of life and the environment. |
![]() Alanna SchenkAlanna is an International Relations major and Human Security and Geospatial Intelligence minor, and she is currently involved in research for Colonel Fleming. |
![]() Jong Su KimJong Su is a student at the University of Southern California pursuing a B.A. in International Relations and a M.S. in Geographic Information Science and Technology. An Air Force ROTC cadet, he has previously conducted research for the USC Shoah Foundation and the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. His research interests include Russian foreign policy, Middle East politics, human security, and the ukulele. |
![]() Young-Kyung KimYoung-Kyung Kim doesn’t enjoy talking about herself (and especially not in the third person). From Seoul, South Korea, she studies international relations and computational linguistics at the University of Southern California. From photo-documenting ceilings to enjoying the LA sun, Young-Kyung spends a lot of her free time thinking about the spaces and structures she inhabits. |
![]() Garrett NanceGarrett Nance is a third year undergraduate majoring in Political Science. He is interested in the enforceability of international human rights law through mechanisms like the International Criminal Court, and he hopes his work as an RA under Dr. Marx advances justice for vulnerable populations. |
![]() Mia PoynorMia Poynor is a senior pursing a Bachelors in Health and Human Science with a focus in International Health and minoring in both Human Security and Geospatial Intelligence and Spatial Studies. She is interested in the intersection of public health in international relations, human rights, and GIS and hopes to continue work in this field using spatial thinking. |